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High Attaining Pupils (HAPs)


Identification of HAPs students 

Students are identified as High Prior Attainers as a result of their KS2 SATs results scores. We use these scores to create aspirational targets for all students.  If your child is in the top 33% of attainers in their year group they are considered a High Attaining Student and will be automatically given access to the HAP programme.   

Students can also be identified as a More Able Student within a subject .  This is decided by each department.  If your child has been identified by a subject as gifted in that area the subject teacher will make you aware of this during a parents evening.  As a result your child will be entitled to subject specific challenges and or events led by that department.


What is the HAPs programme?

The HAPs programme includes a variety of opportunities for children of exceptional ability to develop their learning and talents further.  

In lessons this includes extra challenges and access to challenge tasks in every google classroom. Each subject area may also provide subject specific opportunities such as trips, visits from speakers or experts in that subject area, competitions and access to higher level learning opportunities.

The HAPs enrichment programme is bespoke to each year group and contains a variety of opportunities.  These include:

  • EPQ Club for years 7 to 9
  • EPQ for Sixth Form students
  • School trips 
  • Visits from outside speakers e.g. academics or careers related
  • Classical Civilisation Club
  • University challenge competitions
  • Application writing and interview training for year 10 and 11
  • Russell Group University Aspirational opportunities


EPQ Journey (1)