Excellence - Ambition - IntegrityThe Governors and all members of staff consider personal appearance of the greatest importance. All pupils are expected to be in full uniform, both at school and on the way to and from school. It is the responsibility of all parents to ensure that their son arrives at school smartly dressed in full uniform and with the correct equipment. It is not possible to address all permutations of changing fashion in our uniform policy. We therefore ask that students and parents/carers work with us in relation to the “spirit” of the policy.
The expectations of the uniform policy are that students’ uniform, haircut and shoes reflect the dress code for a conservative office work environment. By this, we ask that students are dressed smartly with their ties worn in a manner that covers the buttons of their shirts, that they wear traditional shoes and have a traditional, conservative haircut.
If pupils are not dressed in correct school uniform they must produce a dated note from their parents/carer explaining why. This note should be presented to their form tutor who will sign their planner. If a pupil arrives without this note from their parent/carer, uniform will be loaned to them from the Pastoral Support room. Refusal to co-operate in wearing uniform will result in a pupil being withdrawn from the school community and parents/carer contacted.
Our Uniform Provider is School Zone.
Haircuts and hairstyles must be of a conservative style and cut to a uniform and moderate length, without creating a crop, Mohican or layered effect.
There should be no lines or patterns cut into the hair. Naturally curly or similar types of hair must also be of moderate length. Hair must not be dyed.
The school notes the advice and guidance of the Equality and Human Rights Commission on preventing hair discrimination in schools and shall consider this when making a determination on the school's haircut policy.
Having the right equipment for school every day helps to ensure lessons start smoothly. This allows learning to take place, which in turn, supports pupil progress.
Planner, 2 black or blue pens, 2 pencils, eraser, ruler, a bag big enough to carry all equipment and A4 books in, and PE kit.
Scientific calculator, set of colouring pencils, glue stick.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be used or seen at any time whilst on the school site. If students are seen with a mobile phone this will be confiscated for one week and parents will be contacted.
We ask that if you need to contact your child urgently, please telephone the School.